Spettacoli e concerti

Live music in the fascinating setting of the Rocca Malatestiana of Fano with MUSICOLOGY LIVE, for a heterogeneous and surprising journey with great authors, performers and the vitality that animates the territory: a true experiential mix to experience genres, atmospheres, lyrics, sounds capable of transmitting different passions and energies, through the art of 100 musicians, 11 concerts, 16 groups!


Dal 14 Lug al 14 Lug 2024

Dal 02 Ago al 02 Ago 2024

Dal 14 Ago al 14 Ago 2024

Dal 17 Ago al 17 Ago 2024

Dal 24 Ago al 24 Ago 2024

Dal 30 Ago al 30 Ago 2024

Dal 31 Ago al 31 Ago 2024

Dal 08 Set al 08 Set 2024

Dal 13 Set al 13 Set 2024

Dal 14 Set al 14 Set 2024


On Line:
Teatro della Fortuna di Fano, T. 0721.800750
from Wednesday to Saturday opening hours: 10.30am-12.30pm and 5.30pm-7.30pm
Thursdays and Fridays only in the afternoon: 5.30pm-7.30pm
On the day of the show: 10.30am-12.30pm and 5.30pm- 7.30pm
and from 8pm the box office will be active only at the Rocca Malatestiana

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